Central European Recycled Plastics to Increase Mutual Understanding

Behalf of the European Plastics Recyclers Association and the China Plastics Processing Industry Association Professional Committee of plastic recycling members attended the summit in Beijing joint seminar. The Central European plastic recycling members cooperation and development of renewable November 10.

European Plastics Recyclers Association, more than 10 members of the delegation are from the plastic recycling organization of seven countries, indicates that this line is to explore the latest Chinese plastics recycling industry. They will be followed by the Fujian, Tianjin and Shanghai toured plastics recycling business.

China and the EU delegated had a very direct dialogue and exchange.

Europe CLC European plastic packaging recycling targets adjustments. EU Member States, in particular Germany (Europe’s largest and the world’s fourth-largest source of export waste plastic to China), will substantially be increasing renewable targets.

Currently renewable target consumer plastic packaging is 22.5%, but in 2020 will double the amount of recycling target by 2030 will be almost tripled. A French people said in his speech that some member states believe that the goal is too difficult to achieve. He also questioned the current target does not consider the recovery of waste impurities. He said this is very important and he asked how to calculate.

On behalf of the EU also introduced a new certification system which will be commenced in the European countries.

An organization of Belgium’s leader said it was important that the material traceability. Currently more than 1000 plastic waste in Europe, only 83 dealers by the certification, but deputies believe more companies will keep pace and encourage Chinese enterprises to apply for the certification.

The presence of Chinese companies ask and certification price, but there is no uniform price, but based on audit firms. And not all EU countries have accepted this certification, so Chinese companies may need to use a variety of certification.

Delegates also discussed the role of middlemen and their market norms were discussed.

Representatives from both sides agreed that mutual understanding quite necessary.

There are still market opportunities, although not obvious, but cooperation is the only way to common development after hedge era.

Our company inform the market condition very well as we buy waste polystyrene foam form European countries and our machines-GreenMax machines have already sold to our European suppliers. So we know the European market condition completely.