GREENMAX Automated Foam Recycling System Has Become A High-quality EPO Recycling Solution

SEKISUI has more than 20 factories around the world. Its main products include various foamed plastic resin raw materials such as EPS, EPO, PET, and PP sheets. It is the inventor of EPO raw materials. Product application fields include electronic appliances, biomedicine, consumer goods packaging, etc. It has the world's cutting-edge core technology and R&D capabilities, and is one of the most profitable companies in the Japanese industry.

In 2021, SEKISUI Plastics USA faced the growing EPO market demand and corresponding waste recycling issues, and decided to find a suitable EPO recycling solution and carry out recycling projects to help customers solve recycling problems. After research, they found GREENMAX, a professional foam plastic recycling solution provider that has helped customers around the world recycle more than 1 million tons of foam plastics.

Because the foam that SEKISUI Plastics USA needs to be recycled is relatively special, the sales staff teamed up with GREENMAX professional engineers to conduct multiple online and offline meetings with customers. Based on their more than 20 years of experience, they designed an exclusive EPO recycling solution for customers. The foam densifier is combined with the automatic water cooling system to form a unique foam recycling system, which achieves automatic cutting, highly automated recycling.

As the main compression device, foam densifier has a high compression ratio of 90:1. GREENMAX entire foam recycling system occupies a small area and is simple to operate. It can be operated by a single person. Finally, the cooled hot melt material is collected into a ton bag. Each ton bag can hold 800-1000kg. Before any treatment, a 53-foot container can only hold 2,000 pounds of loose EPO foam. With the help of foam densifier and water cooling system, a 20-foot container can easily load more than 40,000 pounds.

The entire foam recycling system was installed in early 2024 and has been operating smoothly so far. It has helped SEKISUI Plastics USA recycle more than 50,000 lbs of foam waste, and the recycling volume will reach 600,000 lbs in the future. GREENMAX hopes to work together to reduce foam waste and build a green future.