Looking for an effective way for Styrofoam recycling in Colorado
Kate Bailey, the research and policy director at recycling nonprofit Eco-Cycle, said, recyclable and compostable containers are a better choice than cheap Styrofoam counterparts—so long as the containers end up in the correct disposal bins. The city of Boulder, Colorado, launched a subsidy program in September to give $1000 to restaurants in its downtown area, on a first-come, first-served basis, to buy compostable and recyclable food containers. In fact, with the latest technology, Styrofoam recycling is far more convenient than imagined.
Newer Styrofoam recycling technologies to facilitate Styrofoam collection and reprocessing launched in 2018 indicate growth rates will continue on an upward trend in the future. The post-industrial Styrofoam recycling in 2016, 2017, and 2018 were 25 million pounds, 55.7 million pounds, 39 million pounds, and 71.4 million pounds, respectively. Styrofoam recycling in the U.S. has proven sustainable with a recycling machine.
GREENMAX Styrofoam densifier offered by INTCO Recycling feeds pieces of Styrofoam into a grinder where it becomes small particles. The small particles are then heated to 190 degrees Fahrenheit which turns the Styrofoam into a soft pliable material that can be densified into a much smaller/denser form (volume reduction ratio is 90:1). The process is safe, clean, and has no harmful emissions.
Once the ingots are cooled, the material then can be packed for shipping out to INTCO Recycling to produce pellets for re-use in photo frames, crown moulding, and many other useful products. In the past decade, INTCO has provided Styrofoam recycling solutions and services to hundreds of logistics, furniture dealers, and Styrofoam products manufacturers all over the world with unique resources.