Tempe expands recycling program, offers Styrofoam packaging recycling option

Tempe has expanded its recycling program to include Styrofoam packaging recycling. Guadalupe and Tempe residents can drop off this packaging material at the household collection center.

The Tempe center near McClintock and University avenues will accept Styrofoam in blocks or coolers from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Styrofoam packaging recycling events were originally held four times a year on Zero Waste Day. Now, residents can drop off their household waste Styrofoam packaging three times a week.

Foam containers recycling activity allows Tempe residents to solve the problem of excess foam packaging materials in daily life, while avoiding the foam ending up in landfill. Through large-scale collection and processing, foam packaging can be processed into PS particles, which is a renewable resource with a wide range of applications and is popular in the market.

For example, clean foam waste can be reprocessed into new Styrofoam packaging or various recycled products such as cabinets, bicycle helmets and outdoor flooring. Styrofoam packaging recycling can achieve the reuse of resources, has important environmental significance, and can also bring considerable profits to enterprises. Many companies and manufacturers have begun to enter the foam containers recycling industry, which only requires a Styrofoam compactor to start.

Styrofoam compactor is a device specially used for reducing the volume of waste foam packaging, improving the efficiency of subsequent Styrofoam packaging recycling. This Styrofoam recycling machine will compact loose large foam blocks into one-fiftieth of the original volume, greatly improving transportation efficiency and space management efficiency.

And the compacted Styrofoam blocks can be sold to downstream recyclers for granulation and reuse to achieve closed-loop foam containers recycling. And the company can realize cash from the transaction of Styrofoam blocks, and will soon be able to obtain the return on investment of Styrofoam compactor, and turn Styrofoam packaging recycling into a stable investment project.

Compared with the income from foam containers recycling through Styrofoam compactor, foam granulation can actually achieve more lucrative cash, but the initial investment will also be greater. If you want to join Styrofoam packaging recycling, INTCO Recycling can tailor a professional Styrofoam recycling solution for you and provide high-quality recycling equipment, including Styrofoam compactor, granulator, etc.

As an expert in the field of foam containers recycling, INTCO Recycling provides you with professional recycling solutions and comprehensive services to help you achieve twice the result with half the effort in Styrofoam packaging recycling.