The Entire Cycle In GREENMAX
More than 5 foam recycling solutions in more than 80 countries around the world
"It is my profound belief that we must leave a livable planet for our children, and I have dedicated myself to this goal professionally." The chairman Frank Liu to actively pursue the direction the company has taken to make sustainable use of resources in the plastics industry. Indeed, the stars seem to be aligned for these efforts. Because during the course of two decades, GREENMAX has become a strong partner in a growing group, the chairman of INTCO Group. Frank Liu adds: "The group brings together all of the expertise necessary to ensure that waste styrofoam are managed in an efficient and sustainable manner throughout the entire cycle–from product design to processing and recycling."
From start-up to hidden champion
The GREENMAX success story began in 2008 as a typical start-up in an annex of a farmhouse. "The first system GREENMAX APOLO series was sold to Spain. The foundation of further funding and the expansion of the company was thus laid," recalls Lucy Shen, managing director and one of the founders of GREENMAX machine. The choice to make the headquarters has proven a smart decision from the start. As one of Europe's strongest competitive regions, with an export ratio of almost 60 percent, many hidden champions such as GREENMAX are found in Europe. These companies have achieved a dominant position in their waste EPS recycling industry through qualified and motivated employees and are therefore successful worldwide.
Waste polystyrene recycling knowledge as greatest challenge of the future
To ensure continued success, it will be critical to manufacture and develop reliable styrofoam recycling products with the highest quality standards in the future and to develop smarter GREENMAX recycling machine solutions that provide maximum efficiency. However, this is certainly note very thing, Lucy Shen, Managing Director of GREENMAX, explains: "The biggest challenge will be in the area of EPS recycling knowledge. It will be crucial to understand the increasingly complex structures of plastic products in order to be able to provide optimal processing solutions in terms of the best possible recycling qualities".