Union County Residents in 9 Municipalities of New Jersey has the chance to do free Styrofoam recycling

New Jersey City Union County has added nine cities to recycle residents' Styrofoam. These allocations are free, and only accept Styrofoam residents' offers. Some business owners may want to bring their Styrofoam to free disposal because it would be a charge if they turn to the recycling agencies. But if you are a business owner, please don't do that. This free recycling is only open to residents of New Jersey. You can discuss how to deal with your Styrofoam with the business recovery agency. Similarly, residents should remember not to discard foam in commercial recycling institutions. Commercial recycling enterprises do not accept materials from the public.

Officials in Union County expressed strong support for the event. They made different kinds of signs, billboards, educational materials, and added Styrofoam recycling boxes at different locations. “We encourage residents of these nine cities to participate in their local foam recycling program, "said Alexander Mira Bella, chairman of the City Council. The recovery of "block-shaped" Styrofoam reinforced our county's recycling work and linked with other green initiatives we actively promoted in the United county.

Typical examples of acceptable Styrofoam include furniture and electrical appliances printed with #6 symbols. Other types of foam products are not acceptable, such as packaging peanuts, egg boxes, or food containers. In addition, wet or dirty Styrofoam will be rejected for the smooth operation of the Styrofoam recycling machine, which is responsible for turning the waste into a compacted form.

The Styrofoam densifier provided by INTCO Recycling has unique advantages in handling Styrofoam. First of all, we are all concerned about the service life, as long as the maintenance is good, there is no problem with ten years, just replace the worn-out parts. The second is the standard, GREENMAX machine offered by INTCO Recycling is fully in line with European standards, and could provide customers with a customized version. If you need help, please contact INTCO.