Fish merchants began to develop styrofoam recycling projects for the environment in the Great Lakes
As an expert in styrofoam recycling, INTCO is committed to providing its customers with a complete styrofoam recycling program
TEMCO Logistics - The Largest GE Logistics Contractor in the Western United States Purchased Three Styrofoam Compactors to Recycle Styrofoam
The Largest GE Logistics Contractor in the Western United States Purchased Three Styrofoam Compactors to Recycle Styrofoam
Recycling Styrofoam is a good opportunity for packaging industries to make profits
More and more enterprises start to recycle Styrofoam waste, so the recycling machine from INTCO recycling has become popular in the Styrofoam recycling industry
INTCO hopes to partner with more foam recyclers to cope with changes in the industry
EPS are recyclable, the technology exists, and many recyclers in Europe and elsewhere have invested in recycling their own EPS solutions
USTRANSPORT - The Professional Logistics Company Realized Cost Reduction and Better "5S" by Using GREENMAX Styrofoam Compactor
INTCO Recycling has helped hundreds of chain stores and logistics companies deal with their waste Styrofoam, first by selling GREENMAX™ Compactors
EPS recycling is a trend due to the application of GREENMAX machines
INTCO recycling is committed to building a complete EPS recycling system
Polystyrene recycling program needs to be expanded in Australia
INTCO Recycling not only provides you with professional polystyrene densifier, but also purchase back your recycled foam blocks
INTCO Recycling promotes styrofoam recycling by helping recyclers reduce storage costs
Recyclers are often profitable on the styrofoam recycling project by looking for end-market buyers to sell recycled styrofoam
More companies focusing on EPS foam recycling get good reputation
Companies with large EPS consumption are looking for a new way to deal with EPS waste to reduce the cost of processing waste
The Styrofoam recycling pilot project launched in St. Albert
GREENMAX Styrofoam compactor can help you recycle foam waste in a more efficient way